Apereo Working Groups and Committees are driven by and dependent on volunteers from every discipline and experience level. These groups are pivotal to Apereo's ongoing success and volunteers are welcomed.
Apereo Finance
The Apereo Finance Committee is responsible for overseeing the finances of the Apereo Foundation in partnership with the Apereo Treasurer (ex-officio), Apereo Board of Directors and the Executive Director (ex-officio).
Contact: Theresa Rowe, Apereo Foundation Treasurer, treasurer@apereo.org
Conference Planning
The Apereo community’s annual conference Open Apereo takes place alongside and within other conferences each year. Apereo is responsible for the educational track at FOSSY (others/). The Conference Planning and Programming Committee is responsible for reviewing submitted presentations to the Education tracks that Apereo supports. The committee also assists Apereo Staff with planning after-hours gatherings, Apereo centric Birds of a Feather groups, and awards ceremony events related to the Apereo Dolphin Awards and Fellowships.
Contact: Jenn Cummings, jenn.cummings@apereo.org
Development and Sustainability
In consultation with the Finance Committee, the Development and Sustainability Committee assists the Apereo Board of Directors in identifying fundraising and net new revenue generation opportunities to provide resources in support of current and new strategic initiatives and ongoing operations with the ultimate goal of securing Apereo as a financially sustainable organization.
Contact: Josh Baron, Development Officer, josh.baron@apereo.org
The Apereo Incubation Group provides mentorship and guidance to projects that have entered the Apereo incubation process. The group also seeks to find new projects that may wish to enter the incubation process. The Incubation group is in a rebuilding phase and is actively recruiting new members and mentors.
Contact: Benito Gonzalez, bgonzalez@unicon.net
The Apereo Infrastructure Committee is responsible for the day in and day out technical infrastructure of the Apereo Foundation. Volunteers assist in helping the Foundation and projects procure and maintain technical tools necessary to run operations. Volunteers are always welcome and much needed!
Contact: Patrick Masson, ed@apereo.org
Website Content Working Group
The Apereo Website Content Working Group advises the Apereo staff on updates, changes and marketing strategies to be implemented on the Apereo website and within social media channels.
Contact: Michelle Hall, michelle.hall@apereo.org